
Тезисы конгресса 2009 г.

EPC/GDV measurements during reconnection workshop in Los Angeles

Korotkov K., Madappa K.

  September 13 and 14, 2008 in Los Angeles a series of measurements have been conducted during Reconnection Healing workshop led by Erick Pearl and Dough DeVito. 5th Element Sensor reaction to human emotions, in particular, to the emotional response of a group of people was found.

Экзистенциальный анализ личности при помощи ГРВ Камеры

Дворкина Н.Ф., Дворкин Г.С.
www.terapija.lv Рига, поликлиника 7

Использование метода ГРВ для оценки реакции организма человека на питание и оценки свойств продуктов.

2009 г.
Колоколов В.А., Григорович В.К., Дзюба Г.Н., Григорович Н.В.

РЭА им. Плеханова.

Intrinsic sustained activity of bicarbonate aqueous solutions

2009 г.

*Voeikov V.L., Do Ming Ha, Mukhitova O.G., Vilenskaya N.D., Malishenko S.I., Bogachuk A.S.
*Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Moscow, Russia

Water, energy and surfaces: an unexpectedly profound linkage

2009 г.

Pollack Gerald H.
Department of Bioengineering Box 355061
University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195

Glimpses on the transfer of information in homeopathic dilutions

2009 г.

Rey L.
Aerial-CRT - Parc d'Innovation- BP 40443 F 67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex (France)
Chemin de Verdonnet 2 - CH 1010 LAUSANNE (Suisse)

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